Our Journey
It was 1986, traveling with a bad sinus infection and feeling miserable in a small Chicago hotel room. Unable to sleep the merry-go-round of antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, and steroids offered little relief. Surgery was the only remaining option and that has a low record of success.
Desperate to avoid surgery, dozens of published medical reports had already documented the superior cleansing benefits of pulsating irrigation, why not the nose? At the time there were only a handful of hard to find neti pots available, that were even harder to use, messy, and provided only limited relief.
There is a Better Way!
That original idea 35 years ago was the inspiration to reach out to medical experts and industry leaders to develop the Original Sinus Irrigator™. It wasn't long before we introduced the first FDA registered pulsatile nasal sinus irrigation system.

Are You Sick of Being Sick? The Original Objective Was Simple: Treat the cause, not just the symptoms, and "Break the Cycle". Bust away biofilm, remove bacteria, and help restore natural ciliary health for sinus relief and long term protection. "Kick the Sick" with SinuPulse!
Think Solution... Not Problem
Pulsatile nasal irrigation was a hard sell when we first introduced it. Bewildered patients often asked "you want me to do what?" However, with an early appearance on Good Morning America and support of many physicians, hospitals, universities, professional sports teams, and athletic trainers we changed how patients treat their allergy and sinus problems.
Today nasal wash companies have one objective, sell saline. Products and marketing efforts promote costly saline refills that can lead to dependency, "The more you use it, the more you need it". Our commitment is to provide relief of symptoms, help address the cause, and "Break the Cycle".
Industry Pioneer
Nearly 40 years later SinuPulse® is the brand recommended most by health care professionals for pulsatile nasal irrigation. Dozens of published medical journals report pulsatile nasal irrigation is one of the most effective methods to treat allergy and sinus symptoms. Little did we know, that we would be pioneering an industry now used by millions around the world.

When Your Health Matters Most...
We remain committed to that original idea many years ago to provide our customers with a healthy, natural alternative for their allergy and sinus problems. When your health matters most, you can trust SinuPulse, Thank you to all those early customers who helped pioneer the category with us, and our customers today, for your support. Your trust that we could help change the quality of your health and willingness to tell others is responsible for our success.